Tuesday, September 6, 2011


For her blog debut...
Anastasia Jane Bendixen

Our little Anastasia, or Annie as we have been calling her,
was born on August 4th after 14 hours of labor.

So... by the time I went in for my 38 week appointment, I was so uncomfortable,
and carrying so low that my doctor  offered to let me get induced four days before my due date.
So we made the appointment for the fourth to go to the hospital 
first thing in the morning and to get induced, hoping that I would go in labor beforehand naturally.

Whelp, I didn't go into labor naturally so Thursday the 4th we went into Madison Memorial Hospital
at 7:30 am and by 8:30 we were all checked in, and had all the preliminary stuff done
ready to start the process. 
They broke my water and started me on pitocion and soon the contractions began.

For the first couple of hours, everything seemed pretty easy.
I got in a nap, wrote a letter to the baby, and even entertained a few phone calls
before I started to feel uncomfortable.
I was hoping to hold out a while before my epidural after hearing some horror stories
of women who got theirs too early and it wore off before they had delivered.
But, once the contractions started getting within 3 minutes apart
I was in so much pain that the pain medication 
they were only allowed to give me once every hour wasn't even helping

So by 1 PM I was having so much trouble with the contractions
I decided to get my epidural when I was only dilated to 3 cm.

Before the anesthesiologist was even out of my room
I felt the epidural working and I was able to fall asleep again.
And sleep I did.

We had some friends, the Keels, come visit us and bring Jacob dinner,
but really other than while they were there and when the nurses would come in, 
I slept the majority of the time until the nurse told me I was fully dilated right before 9 PM.

I started pushing soon after and pushed for the next hour and a half.
For the last half hour, however, it was as though my epidural was not strong enough.
I didn't feel anything but but felt like my lover back and my hips breaking. 
By the time she was out I had been in so much pain
I almost kicked my doctor in the face when he kept yelling back at me 
telling me to keep pushing.

It was painful, tiring , traumatizing, and just plain insane.
But, it was all worth it
when this little girl came out.

She may have come out with a cone head, screaming, 
and hasn't stopped screaming much since,
but this little girl is my everything! 

She has been my every thought and action since the minute she was put in my arms.
I can not express how much of a blessing she is in mine and her daddy's life.
Everyday I revel in the fact that I am a mother
and that that little girl is mine for eternity!

I may be tired, my house may be a mess, my homework may not get done,
and a good day for me may be when she gives me enough down time to
brush my teeth before noon or even shower at any point in the day,
but all the hard times make the good times and the tender mercies of the day
so much sweeter, and I couldn't ask for anything sweeter.