Saturday, July 30, 2011

{So Blessed}

It has been such a roller coaster lately,
I feel like I have an obligation to update everyone on what has been going on in our lives lately.
So here goes nothing.....

Easter we were able to to go down to Utah to visit with family and 
go to the sealing of my cousin Jenny! 
It was the first time we were able to see my parents and brothers since before New Years
and the first time any of them were able to see me since my belly had started showing. 
We went to the sealing, the reception, a BYU Volleyball game, 
and had Easter egg hunts as a Behrens family and with Skeen Grandchildren!
The wedding was beautiful and it was nice for Jake to meet all of my cousins, finally.

That is pretty much where the chaos started just with the craziness of traveling that weekend.

Father's day weekend we were able to fly home to Corona, with my sister,
for a small baby shower with my mom and some friends from home that were very anxious to see me pregnant.
We had so much fun and were so glad to be able to go down even for just the short 4 days
because we hadn't been home for 6+ months and we really were getting anxious
to see all our family and friends that had been missing my whole pregnancy. 
We are so thankful for that weekend and for all the women that came to support us with gifts
and just simply their love.

While all this travelling was going on, we had started a new semester in school!
The whole semester has come and gone in a flash 
and I am very proud to say that I made it through with all passing grades, while pregnant, 
AND I even managed to bring up my GPA a bit!
I'll admit, I really wasn't the funnest person to live with during that time, 
but with everything we did this semester,
with travelling, moving apartments and wards, and growing more tired with each passing day,
I feel pretty good about how we made it through it all!

Before the end of the semester we got to celebrate the fourth of July in our new home
with our new friends and we enjoyed every minute of it!
We got to see the parade, do some barbecuing, we even shot off our own fireworks!
This, to me, was the best way we could have spent our first Fourth as a married couple!

NOW, we are just waiting for our little one to get here!
Her room is all ready, the house is clean and pretty much organized, and now we're just sitting back,
enduring discomfort of being so big and pregnant, waiting for her to decide she wants to come!


  1. I'm so happy for you and your husband Devy! God is blessing you so much. I wish I knew you were in corona, I would have loved to see you! Love you and miss you, I'll be praying the remaining of your pregnancy goes smoothly<3


  2. So fun to find your blog and see these pictures! Brock and I heard how much fun Easter was with all the family there! We need to all get together more often. Love you guys. Jenni
