Thursday, May 23, 2013

{Winter Semester}

January was pretty uneventful. 

Jacob went back to school and I settled into mine and Annie's new routine. 
The hardest part was how stir crazy Annie got.
She didn't like the snow and I hate the cold, so we ended up staying inside most of the time. 
The few times we ventured into the cold and snow,
it wasn't completely pleasant. 

February we went down to Utah for a wedding.

We drove down with a few friends and got to spend the weekend
catching up with friends from home.
The sealing was beautiful, and we are so glad we got to 
be there to celebrate the new Mr. and Mrs. Bennett!
Annie got to meet all of her daddy's friends,
they even tried to teach her how to throw a frisbee. 

 March and April 

We spent March busily getting Jacob ready
for his student teaching placement interviews,
and his solo Junior Recital.

In April, Jacob performed in his solo recital!
It was thirty minutes of just him
singing pieces he's learned from his past 3 years of vocal training.
He did so well, and I couldn't have been more proud of him!

Please ignore my hair and Annie's expression. The recital ended at 10:30pm and we were exhausted.

His student teaching interviews went great,
and he was placed for his student teaching right away!
At the same time, we were informed that his had gotten
and internship at an online high school!

We are officially moving to Arizona!


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