Thursday, September 30, 2010


So it's been a long time since I have had time to update this! With the wedding, honeymoon, online class, and starting a new job, things have been pretty crazy around here. But here are some wedding pictures just to give everyone a good look at what went on.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Highs and Lows June 13, 2010

So I have to credit the family ward for this one. It seemed to come to life when Brother Zimmerman, now Bishop Zimmerman, was a Sunday school teacher. He'd start class with going around the room and having everyone say what the low point of their week was and what the high point was. It slowly spread to the rest of the youth classes and to the young woman's classes.

I wasn't reminded of this though until I saw it on an old young woman's leaders blog, and thought that was a good idea to do. So here we go, we're gonna each start with our lows and end with our highs just to end everything on a high note!

Jacob: L
ow: I had a test this week in musicianship where i had to listen to a piece of music and write it out and hand it in the next day at class. While i was listening to the given music though, the guys in the apartment above me were doing really loud, really bad karaoke, which pretty much messed up my whole listening and made me not do so well on my test.

High: We had date weekend instead of date night this week. I got to take Devin to a movie, Letters to Juliet, and then the next night we got to go try out the new Chinese food restaurant, Ying Yang. The best part about the food was that they allowed us to special order Devin's food without gluten in it. Finally, Rexburg has good Chinese food!

Low: My low is kinda a bittersweet thing, because I got to the doctors and he switched my prescription and gave me the referral I needed to get tested for Celiacs, which is a good thing. The bad part about it is that inorder for the results to be accurate there needs to be gluten in the system to detect the certain anti-bodies that the body releases if you have Celiacs. So I've been eating gluten since Friday and let me tell you, it hasn't been fun. But, it'll all be over by Tuesday.

High: We as a couple had a good weekend together. It started with the doctors office, and finally getting some answers. And directly after we went apartment shopping, and we might have found where we want to live when we come back! Yay! and then we just spent the rest of the weekend together just enjoying each others company and and our time together and with our friends!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gluten-Free Zone

The title must be raising some questions, but before I can go into why I don't eat gluten I need to go into some background.

Since the summer before my senior year of high school, I randomly get random, intense, and paralyzing stomach pains. It's been something that has kept me on high alert, and when we went to go get it checked, it just never seemed to be a firm answer i got from the doctors. They threw around a lot of maybes, and terms like IBS, acid reflex, and some stuff as simple as strong stomach acid. But you see, I never really got an answer as to what to do about.
I've just dealt with this problem because I didn't feel like having my parents pay for a bunch of tests and to get no sure results. So now, being back at school, it started to flair up a lot more than usual. It's been effecting my classes, private lessons, and my job and Jacob and I started looking into trying to find answers. One of my coworkers actually suggested looking into gluten-intolerance, and sure enough it seems to the trick. Basically, gluten is a protein in wheat that upsets some peoples stomachs, and it certainly does mine.
I have to be honest, I still eat bread when I really can't fight the cravings. It hurts sometimes but I am ok with the pain just for the shear taste of bread. The problem with that though is that gluten-intolerance often can be Celiacs disease, which pretty much makes eating gluten products fatal.

Nothing has officially been confirmed but going without it is helping. I mean I don't feel perfectly fine now, but it's better than before. I have an appointment tomorrow with a doctor that is completely new to my case and hopefully I'll actually get some answers.

But for now, my awesome roommate took us home for memorial weekend, and her mommy taught me how to make rice bread, and we got some time away. We really enjoyed ourselves and can't wait for classes to get out and go home!

i <3 jacob!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to School

I feel so horrible that I have procrastinated posting on here for so long! Two months ago today Jacob asked me to marry him, and since then I can not even explain how much our lives have changed. We have set a date for our sealing and reception at the end of August, and we're so excited we can't even wait!!

Currently, I am in Utah with my mom and sister shopping for wedding stuff and just shopping in general. We've been here in the state since Sunday and tomorrow I and my sister will be traveling the rest of the way to Idaho, and my mom will be heading home. Jacob is already in Rexburg job hunting, and tomorrow i get to help him move into his apartment for this semester. We've been apart since Monday morning and I'm just itching to get there and see him!

This semester is gonna be an interesting one, that's for sure. The two of us will be busy planning a wedding, sharing 3 classes, having jobs to pay for groceries, preparing for juries at the end of the semester, and taking 14+ credits each. It's gonna be crazy, but we knew it would be when we got engaged!

This is a really pitiful excuse for a blog update, but it's all I can muster today! Hopefully more to come later this week!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding Mode

So, the past few days have been SUPER crazy! Grandma stopped by the other day with about 7-8 bridal magazines. Now I know what I'll be doing at work for the next few weeks, just thumbing through them, and reading every line and examining every detail. Today at work, during a slow time, I made the cover for my "Wedding Book." Its where I'm gonna put all the clippings from the magazines and catalogs, pictures from off line, and all the info on the bookings and appointments to make and attend. It will be huge by the end of this process.

We made the decision today to worry about the bridesmaids dresses before my own---yes very un traditional---due to the fact that being up at school for a semester will make it harder to do the dresses unless most of the work for them is done before hand. Luckily for me, on my way up to school I have to pass through Provo and Salt Lake which are pretty much Mormon Wedding Central!! There is no way I can't find a modest dress in one of those places, even in Rexburg!!

Gonna call the temple tomorrow and reserve the rooms for the Endowment session and for the Sealing! So excited! Hopefully we'll get the day we wanted!! Once we know we can start working on invitations and possibly Save the Dates.

Well, off to go cut out magazine clips for my book!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Here we go!!

SO I'm kinda new to this blogging thing! But I thought I'd give it a try, since it's kinda really the thing to do once you get engaged I guess. Yes, Jacob and I are Engaged!!

And since it's the first post, I think it customary to give kind of a brief how it happened, (Plus I know I'm gonna get sick of repeating myself with the story).

Jacob and I met at a somewhat mutual friends house, back in August when he was just days home from his mission. We both we're in relationships at the time, I with a long-distance boyfriend, and he with his girlfriend from before the mission. Being completely honest, he seemed so shy that night, and because of the fact that he hardly said a word the whole time, i barely noticed he was there. None the less, I had a request from him on Facebook the next morning.

As we began talking over the internet, we realized we actually had a lot in common. The main thing that sparked was that we had the exact same major. We are both Music Education majors, emphasizing in Choral Instruction, both hoping to be choir teachers/directors one day. He had explained to me that he wen to CSUF before his mission, but now he couldn't attend there because they wouldn't let him discontinue his education for more than a year. We discussed his options, and before I had left for school in September, we had agreed upon staying in touch so that i could tell him all about the music ed. program in Rexburg.

Very quickly after I got up to school, the relationship I was in got very complicated, and I really didn't know who to turn to. I had friends back home, but I was scared to turn to them because they were more invested in the situation than I had hoped, and i didn't feel quite so comfortable talking to my roommates about it, whom I hadn't even known 2 weeks yet. So I called the one person at the moment I felt comfortable talking to about anything really, that I knew would give me advise based on what he felt was in my best interest. I didn't end up staying with that boyfriend.

Jacob and I talked frequently over the next few months as I was in Rexburg. He became my best friend, and I ended up keeping in touch with him more than the vast majority of my other friends from home. I was over joyed near the end of the semester when he told me he wanted to transfer up to BYU-Idaho where I was, he was fianlly sold on the program, and now it was just working on the minor details. I didn't realize I was attracted to him until my roommate one day asked me who I was texting so much.

Upon my arrival home at Christmas time, he was one of the people I was excited to see most. We realized our mutual attraction to eachother with in days of spending actual time together instead of just using technology to help keep our frienship alive.

We got together on Christmas Day! He charmed me with a bag of Snickers for a Christmas present, and he recieved a kiss in return!

On the eve of Valentines Day, we made plan to go the the beach and have dinner just the two of us. I worked that morning, while he went to LA to shop for "stuff." He later showed up at my house with a bouquet pf white roses---my absolute favorite---and we left for the beach, one of those roses in my hand.We sent up our picnic near lifeguard tower 5 at Huntington City Beach as the sun was setting. To mark our territory, I stuck the single rose I brought with me in the sand.

Upon finishing eating, the sun just about disappeared over the horizon, he asked me how I liked my flower. When I replied that I loved my flowers, he claimed he had another one that was special in his pocket.

Then out of his pocket came a red velvet box in the shape of a rose on a stem. In the box was my beautiful ring! He proceeded to put the ring on my finger, as he asked me to marry him!! To which I exclaimed "Yes, Yes, A thousand times, Yes!"

So there you have it everyone! I know we haven't been dating that long, and I know I'm only 18 years old, but this is what we want! It didn't take us long to realize that we wanted to be with each other in the long run. I know that I love him and I can't see myself spending my life and the here after with anyone else, so why wait for FOREVER to begin?